Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

It's been a long time since I've blogged and a lot has happened since then.  My mother died,  I got breast cancer (am now a survivor :)) and my beautiful cat Allegra died at 18.5 years old. Lots of good things have happened too. I used to enjoy writing about  the little things in life that make it worthwhile.  I think its time to dust off this blog and start writing again.  Hey New Year, new adventures! One of my goals is to blog at least weekly.  I'd love it if people read it and comment, but If its just me …that's okay too:).

 HAPPY NEW YEAR from me and the fur kids.  Yes, I'm a knitter with the requisite cats- LOL

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Knitting

I sometimes think my other knitter friends are much more generous than I am because they knit Christmas gifts for family and friends.  I admit it. I can't take the pressure of getting gifts knitted on time and for some reason, as soon as I offer to knit something at times other than Christmas, I drag my feet getting it done!   Then I get grumpy about having to do it. So my knitting gifts are always a surprise to the giftee.  One time I was knitting a sock for a competition and though I loved the pattern (coffee bean socks), I was losing interest in finishing them.  I knew I would get them done eventually, just not at that time. A colleague at work watching me knit them one day said: "I wish I could knit because I would love to have socks like those." Out of curiosity I asked: "what would you do with socks like these?"  She said: "I've thought about it as I watch you knitting." "I would wear them on a chilly October morning while snuggled-up on the couch, drinking coffee, and reading a news paper." Hmm, sounds cozy.   I didn't tell her for a few days that she would be the recipient of the finished socks and when I did give them to her was happy and appreciative of the work put into them.   Since receiving them, she has worn them several times and asked me to teach her to knit. She now knits shawls, socks, hats, and other items for friends and family! She is the kind of person I don't mind gifting too.   This year I did join a BFF cowl knitting swap. It was alot of fun and I need to block my half of the cowl and join it together and take pictures. I should have it ready by the next post.  I am also working on an advent scarf.  The theme is cables. As usual, I'm lagging behind because of  all the non-Christmas knitting I have on the needles (it never ends-lol), but I do plan to have it done by then beginning of the new year. Maybe I should call it the "Resolution" scarf! 

I raise my knitting needles to all of you who knit for family and friends at Christmas! Maybe someday I'll join you...Nah,won't happen :)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's been a long time since I've blogged here. In fact so long that I'm starting fresh with a new blog title.  After joining ravelry, I just stopped blogging. I've continued to read my favorite knitting blogs, but never got back to blogging.  So stay tuned, grab your knitting and a cuppa and join me for knitting adventures and see what this blog grows up to be!